A Democrat Borough Councilman in New Jersey was pulled over in a routine traffic stop that quickly descended into the well-worn trope of, “You know who I am, right?” Read More.
An ICE operation in San Jose, CA was potentially compromised Sunday when a KCBS radio host broadcast undercover agents’ locations and descriptions of their unmarked vehicles live throughout the evening. Read More.
Two Indiana police officers were wounded and the assailant killed after he opened fire on a supermarket, striking and killing a shopper and a store employee. Read More.
The Trump administration is working to re-establish a safe third country agreement with the Central American nation El Salvador under President Nayib Bukele, known for his massive crackdown on violent gangs. Read More.
The ACLU announced a settlement deal agreed to by the outgoing Biden DOJ for Antifa, and BLM rioters injured during the deployment of federal agents to Portland during the 2020 riots. Read More.
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee requests that mayors from four major sanctuary cities appear before Congress to defend their policies. Read More.
The LEO-centered nonprofit organization InVest USA has been in operation for so long that they have accrued several mind-blowing statistics over the years. Here they are. Read More.
The DEI’s chief diversity officer had her official title changed after President Trump issued an executive order dismantling DEI offices in every federal agency. Read More.