You Can’t Make This Up

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  • Source: YouTube
  • 05/25/2024
You can’t make this stuff up.
Nearly two years ago in a bold show of Western unity, the European Union and the United States slapped an oil import ban on those evil Russians in response to Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Joe Biden signed an executive order prohibiting “the import into the United States of Russian-origin crude oil, petroleum, petroleum fuels, oils and products of their distillation.” We were going to hit them where it hurts…right in the pocketbook!
Tough talk from a pretty tough guy, right?
Not so fast. The Washington Post, itself a liberal leaning rag, must have been ordered to throw E.O. Joe under the left’s “agenda-driven” bus. The Post printed a story outing Joe Biden’s Pentagon as a major violator of Joe Biden’s Russian oil import ban. And, of course, the Commander in Chief is none other than Joe Biden…which would make Joe Biden responsible for violating Joe Biden’s oil import embargo.
While the public was believing the public lie, Russian oil still secretly flowed to a Greek refinery which served the interests of the American military. To obscure its true source and maintain the charade, the liquid gold flowed onto the books and into the reservoirs of multiple middlemen, raising costs to U.S. taxpayers at each obscure connection along the way. The final stop before it arrived at the Motor Oil Hellas destination on the Aegean Sea was an oil storage unit in Turkey named Dortyol.
When tracked back to their point of origin, nearly 70 percent of Dortyol’s petroleum shipments came from Russia. And over half of the shipments in that total were delivered to the Greek refinery Motor Oil Hellas, which received over one billion dollars in new Pentagon orders for jet fuel and naval diesel fuel since Biden’s toothless economic gesture.
The lesson emerging from the seamy muck is this.
When fighting a cold war in a globally connected economy, one’s biggest challenge is identifying and recruiting enemies willing to sell out their country’s best interests for their own (which many will do if the price is right). 
The current administration in Washington D.C. may provide us with all the proof we need.
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