Supreme Court…Get Ready

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  • Source: YouTube
  • 05/25/2024
We predict the battleground for the war between the sexes may ultimately shift to the Supreme Court over this transgender case.  
After Mid-Vermont Christian School took a loss versus Long Trail High School rather than permit its female team to compete against a transgender male opponent, the Vermont Principals’ Association banned the parochial school from participating in any future tournaments. But the ruling extended far beyond the basketball court. 
Fox News Digital reports the school was ejected from the state Principals’ Association (ironically after standing up for its religious principles.) The ruling also barred MVCS from taking part in Vermont scholastic competitions like debates and fairs. 
So the school’s next road trip takes it to an entirely different court setting, thanks to a lawsuit filed on its behalf by the Alliance Defending Freedom. Their complaint asserts, "This civil rights action seeks to protect a Christian school and its students and parents from unconstitutional religious discrimination and hostility,"
The suit demands the court overturn actions of the Vermont Principals’ Association "denying the Christian school and its students from participating in the state’s tuition program and sports league because of their religious beliefs."
And what are those beliefs?
The Bible clearly states in Genesis Chapter One Verse 27, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” 
So, the position of the school is based on scripture, cut and dried. 
Whether this lawsuit will play a role in justice and common sense returning to the sports arenas of America, only time, and perhaps the Supreme Court, will tell.
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