Maille Russell Bonsall, 40, was fired by the County on February 28th according to the Philadelphia Inquirer after county officials found that she had been illegally recording conversations with her superiors, even those she accused of retaliating against her for the sexual harassment lawsuit.
The outlet reported that Bonsall accused her supervisor former county emergency services director Tim Boyce of “unwanted verbal, physical and sexual harassment during and after work hours,” and masturbating in her presence in his office. She alleged that Boyce made her feel unsafe at the office after she reported this, ignoring her and blocking her access to systems required for her role.
As reported by the Inquirer, County authorities responding to Bonsall’s lawsuit disputed her claims and stated that sexually explicit texts and nude images the two sent to each other using their county-issued cell phones revealed a “longstanding romantic relationship” lasting for years. Citing this evidence they asserted that there was no evidence to suggest that Boyce’s advances were unwelcome to Bonsall and pointed to texts in which she repeatedly professed her love for him.Malle Bonsal said Tim Boyce groped her and masturbated in front of her in his office. County officials say the two were in a long term romantic relationship, and shared sexually explicit texts.
— Vinny Vella (@Vellastrations) March 10, 2025
Investigators also discovered texts in which Bonsall told Boyce that she was high at work after using marijuana on the clock, had reportedly altered her own timecard, and refused to cooperate with the investigation.
Boyce was terminated from his role in May and is facing charges of indecent assault and harassment from another employee who accused him of forcibly kissing her in his office, and another woman still who told investigators that Boyce had made lewd comments and groped her. Boyce has plead not guilty and denied any wrongdoing.