House bill to deport illegal immigrants who assault LEOs passed the House... then got stuck

The bill is written as:
“(i) IN GENERAL.—Any alien who has been convicted of, who admits having committed, or who admits committing acts which constitute the essential elements of, any offense involving assault of a law enforcement officer is deportable.”

The bill passed the House in May 2023 and is off to the Senate, then President to become law.

But with a Democrat majority Senate, does the bill have a chance of going all the way?

“I want the American people to know not a single Democrat voted in favor of deporting an illegal immigrant that assaults a first responder. What rationale, what kind of logic did they have by not wanting to kick somebody out of the country who, first of all broke the law to be here to begin with, and then assault our law enforcement? The rationale is very simple,” Michael Letts, LEO expert, advocate, and President of InVest USA, a nonprofit organization that provides free vests to First Responders, told LET.
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