God Still Answers Prayer

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  • Source: YouTube
  • 05/24/2024
Some folks picture God as a Cosmic Clockmaker. And we are His clocks. He winds us up and walks away. When the life spring unwinds, time expires and our clock…stops.
You’d have a hard time convincing Oconee Country Sheriff Mike Crenshaw that’s how it works, though. The South Carolina lawman has seen proof of a living God, up close and personal…One involved enough to answer prayers.  We’re talking about a modern-day miracle, that happened this month on the streets of his county and Sheriff Crenshaw doesn’t mince words.
Quoted in the Western Journal, Crenshaw said, “I saw a dead man come back to life.” 
That dead man was 27-year-old, Deputy Lucas Watts, a two-year veteran on the Oconee County Sheriff’s staff, who was shot in the head following a traffic stop. And according to Crenshaw, Lucas did not suffer a grazing wound. The rifle bullet, allegedly fired by a heavily armed motorist, lodged in the deputy’s brain. 
Quoted by the Western Journal, Greenville County Sheriff Hobart Lewis described Watts’ wounds as “not survivable.” 
But Crenshaw, Watts’ wife, Haley, and many other prayer warriors were not willing to settle for that outcome. An army of intercessors intervened and God moved. Crenshaw described the moment that Deputy Watts’ wife reached out and touched her gravely wounded husband in the Greenville hospital ICU ward.
“She touches him and he starts moving.  A tear rolls down his face. The doctor says ‘Let’s go, get him into surgery, right now, immediately, get him into surgery. Go   Go.  Go.”
Days after what was expected to be a fatal shooting, Deputy Watts remains in critical condition, but continues to make steady progress on what appears to be a long road to recovery.
His assailant, 50-year-old Gregory Maxwell is expected to be charged with five counts of attempted murder when he is released from the hospital, where he, too, is recovering from injuries.
Today, we can thank God that the thin blue line remains unbroken in Oconee County, South Carolina and that the Cosmic Clockmaker still keeps constant, caring, track of every passing second in our lives.
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