Biden Brings Home the War

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  • Source: YouTube
  • 05/24/2024
This sounds like 2001 Kabul…or 2007 Baghdad…NOT 2023 America. Yet, here we are, warning our Border Patrol agents to be watchful for roadside bombs (or IED’s) found right across from Joe Biden’s invisible fence in Arizona. 

According to an intercepted safety alert from the US Customs and Border Patrol, our agents must now add flying shrapnel to their growing list of unnecessary daily indignities. 

Authorities recently responded to a cross-border shootout between Mexican criminal gangs in the Tucson sector. When Border Patrol agents arrived on the US side, they took one subject into custody, carrying a loaded AK-47, two extra magazines of AK ammo, some spare rounds, plus a pistol. But what stopped American agents cold was what Mexican soldiers reported from the other side of the border. After ending the gunplay, the Mexican military seized ten unexploded Improvised Explosive Devices…the full name of IED’s…those massive incendiaries used to kill our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

So, now, according to a report from Fox Business News, the Customs and Border Patrol is ordering its officers to “exercise extreme caution and should report any possible armed subjects approaching the border with possible explosive devices.” 

It appears the gap in the border barrier was used at one time to smuggle drugs into the USA, but now, human smugglers are fighting over control of the passageway. 

In recent days, the floodgates have opened wide, admitting over ten-thousand illegal aliens in one day.

Let’s see Joe try to blame Trump for this one.
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