Anti-semitic crazy lady goes on unhinged rant against Jewish men inside Manhattan office building | Law Enforcement Today

NEW YORK, NY - In an incident took place last week involving a “hateful bigot,” according to The New York Post, who engaged in a rant against a Jewish man in a Midtown Manhattan office building, screaming, “I want ISIS to kill all of you!” 

According to a witness, the woman, at first only identified as “Noora" but later found to be Noora Shalash, got into the personal space” of a Hasidic Jew as he was walking through the lobby. 

The witness, identified as Seth Bell, an attorney, said that as he got closer to the scene, he “heard the word ‘Jew’ being thrown around, and ‘genocide’ and ‘Israel’ and ‘Palestine,’ and I just knew immediately,” he said last week. 

“She was equating some random Jewish guy with what was going on in the Middle East, which is classic antisemitism,” said Bell, a Jewish father of three. 

Bell confronted the woman and asked her if she was verbally assaulting the man because she was “just an antisemite,” which caused her to become even more unhinged, whereby she flew into a “vitriolic, profanity-laced rage,” The Post said. 

“Fuck the Jew, I love Jesus,” she said, then took a swing at Bell’s phone, striking his arm and part of his head in the process, and then began kicking him. 

Bell said, “You messed with the wrong Jew today, Noora.” 

Noora asked him what he would do, and Bell replied, “I’m going to do nothing.” 

“I’m going to act like a civilized human being…I’m going to film you,” Bell said, adding, “You are a hateful bigot.” 

Unhinged Noora then entered an elevator, sat on the floor, and refused to leave. 

“I demand Jihad! I want ISIS to kill all of you! I am conspiring with Hamas, Palestinian Jihad, and with ISIS, and I am conspiring with them!” she said. 

Bell, clearly exasperated with the woman, said on the video he was recording, “This is what Jews in New York City have to deal with.” 

Building security called the NYPD, who responded to the scene and took the woman into custody. Unhinged and experiencing some kind of psychosis, she was taken to Bellevue Hospital for evaluation, according to NYPD sources. 

Bell is hopeful the woman will be charged criminally. 

“I'm just sick and tired of people getting to say what they want and do what they want, and we just have to, the Jews just have to take it.

“I see it all the time,” Bell continued. “The least we can do is expose it.” 

The woman identified herself as “Noora Bandoora,” sources said. 

However, “Noora” was identified by a group that monitors hate called Jew Hate Database, which found her on X under a different name and listed as “director of government affairs” for a state chapter of what some call the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, pro-Hamas group CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations). CAIR, however, denies she is still affiliated with the group. 

In a post on X, CAIR wrote, “This is a lie.

“This person has not worked with our CAIR-KY chapter in FIVE years. She has no role at our civil rights group. 

“We condemn and reject the antisemitic comments in the video, just as we condemn and reject anti-Palestinian racism and anti-Muslim hate. Racism is wrong, no matter the source or the target,” it added. 

In a later statement, CAIR said it “has not confirmed the identity of the person in the video.” 

The Post contacted the woman identified on X as a CAIR director, but she did not respond to texts or phone calls. 

Meanwhile, David Ben Josef, co-founder of Jew Hate Database, part of the Anti-Jew Hate Organization, told The Post that the incident “is extremely disturbing at a minimum.” 

“It’s not like this guy was carrying an Israeli flag. He just happened to be Jewish,” Yosef said of the Hasidic man the woman initially accosted. 

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