94 Year Old Vet Gets the Boot

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  • Source: YouTube
  • 05/24/2024
A 94-year-old veteran is one of 53 New York City nursing home residents who were evicted and replaced by illegal aliens. According to The Blaze, Frank Tammaro had lived for five years at the Island Shores Senior Residency, owned by a non-profit organization, Homes for the Homeless. One day, Frank and the other residents were told the facility was going up for sale with the “preferred buyer” being another “senior operator.” 
But then, Homes for the Homeless changed its mind, decided to keep the building and turn it into a shelter for illegal aliens. Tammaro and his fellow occupants would need to locate new homes. Sure enough, the purpose and name of the building changed. It is now called the “Midland Beach Migrant Center.” It is one of 200 such structures converted into shelters for the flow of uninvited immigrants now swarming the city.
Two local representatives had worked to find qualified buyers for the facility but were eventually stonewalled by the owners who preferred illegal alien occupants over aging Americans, including the honorably discharged Frank Tammaro who had faithfully served his country.
Tammaro eventually moved in with his daughter.
Recently, we told you how 25-hundred New York City policemen had turned in their badges, due in large part to the increased stress and workload being imposed upon them by the massive influx of illegal aliens into the Big Apple, an invasion that shows no signs of stopping.
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